Well, 2011 has not been good to me, but I still know that God is in control. Even if I don't understand why I have to face the things that I have to face, I know He has a purpose. But I won't lie; that only makes it tolerable, not easy.
Along with an intense and trying year as a 1st year teacher, I lost my best friend to a collapsed trachea and congestive heart failure. It sounds silly I'm sure, but I still fight (nearly two months later) to find a way to exist without Midget. She was my best friend for 17 years - I can hardly remember a time when I didn't have her. Even when I lived away from her, I always knew she was there. I would go home to visit my family and cry when I left because I had to leave her behind. I found this amazing website that has made me custom jewelry from her paw print, so she can always stay with me (http://www.4pawsforever.org/pages/custompaws_gallery.php). But every day, I still expect to come home and see her sitting in her chair, waiting for mom and me to get home.
Then I met Paisley, a yorkie mix at the Beaumont Animal Services. She was 5 months old and adorable. It took a few days, but I adopted her and brought her home. I fell in love, but knew that she was sick. I couldn't get her to eat, and she drank bowl-fuls of water at a time. When I took her to the vet, he wouldn't check her for parvo, but did diagnose her with a rare parasite common for dogs in poor health conditions. He gave her a B-12 shot, so she ate a few meals, but still couldn't keep the medicine or any food down. Diarrhea and vomiting for a few days...and then I called Animal Services to find out that they had an outbreak of parvo. And Paisley was showing all the signs.... I ended up making the decision to take her back and let them test her...but they pretty much told me that she probably had parvo. I never did find out...I had to leave her there for fear of having to make the choice to put another dog down less than a month apart. But now my heart is broken because I've lost two so quickly.
Which means no pets for me for a while. I'm still struggling to deal with it.
But there are several upsides to this year....well, two, I guess. One, I finally got into graduate school! Yippee! Two, I found out that next year my principal is going to allow me to go back to teaching special education! I'm hoping at this point my year will start to turn around!
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