Saturday, October 31, 2009

Happy Halloween!

I carved my first jack-o-lantern this week. I've observed the process numerous time throughout my life, but, until this week, had never personally wielded the knife to maim a gourd. Alas, my innocence ended on Thursday as we had a 'non-party' pumpkin carving lesson, and let the children help scoop the pulp, vote on the expression that our pumpkin should have, and vote on the shapes of the facial orifices. They had a blast! And I did, too - probably the most fun I've had teaching. So many moments become teachable moments; a simple pumpkin carving can be morphed into sequencing, sharing and turn taking, learning new words, making choices - the possibilities are simply endless.

It's hard to imagine I have only a month left in the student teaching process. I will most likely be substitute teaching as it appears there are no reputable districts in the area with openings. It's still a paycheck even if I will still lack the health insurance I miss so much. I've had to start preparing the students for my departure, which has been tough on all of us, but I've insisted that it's very likely that I'll see them again since I'll be substituting in the district.

Anyway, everyone, have a safe and wonderful Halloween! It's a bit embarrassing to admit this is probably my favorite non-Christian holiday. I love the festivities which accompany the "spooky" season. It's too much fun to decorate pumpkins, make spider webs, and tell 'semi-scary' stories with a flashlight and the lights turned off. (And during the pumpkin carving, it was pouring outside.)

Happy Halloween! MWUAHAHAHAHA!

Sunday, October 25, 2009

The Elmer's Glue Webs

Here are a few pics of the webs we made in handwriting out of Elmer's glue and wax paper. The kids are sooo proud of them, and I think I've given the instructions and lesson plans out to EVERY teacher on the K/1/2 wing of the school. Of course, our class is right on the end of the wing, so all the kids have to walk by our class to go to music and PE - so we get "oohs" and "aahhs" when they walk by. Unfortunately due to the fact that I was instructing and because of potential liability issues, I don't have any pics of us making them.

Wednesday, October 14, 2009

Why We Have Zippers and Other Fun Things...

So far all assessments and evaluations have gone fabulous. People around campus keep telling me how much they are going to miss having me around when December creeps upon us, which is definitely a nice feeling.

Today was especially fabulous. I created a lesson plan for cursive handwriting with a focus on the letter 'w'. The 'under curve' seems to be difficult for our children, and since most of our lowercase cursive letters are constructed using the under curve, I decided to work on a letter that has three of them (if you count the optional initial stroke, which isn't taught everywhere).

So today's handwriting lesson was "Wonderfully Wacky Woven Web Wednesday." Some of you probably saw on my facebook status that I was practicing and creating a model this weekend for the children to see as they created their webs. We started with wax paper and Elmer's glue and made cursive lowercase Ws all over the wax paper. Then I asked the students to draw lines to make the Ws connect - straight, curvy, etc. to make the shape of a spider's web. We followed up the web creation with iridescent glitter and then stuck little black cardstock spiders in our webs and put them in the window sill to let them dry. The idea is, once dry, the webs, which dry clear, can be peeled off the wax paper and will have a sparkly almost glow-in-the-dark feel and be a bit rubbery. We'll hang them up for Halloween decor along with the sign the kids made to go with them, written in cursive, which say "Wonderful Wacky Woven Webs". The kids listened well and worked so hard on their webs - and they had a lot of fun. The webs came out really cute, and tomorrow I'm letting them add some eyes or a red hourglass to their spiders in glitter before we hang everything up. I have to toot my own horn a bit and say it was one of my most creatively thought up lessons thus far. I was ecstatic that the kids loved the activity. I'll take some pictures tomorrow once the webs are dry. I can't post the ones with the kids, but I'll get some of just the webs alone. I'm very proud of my munchkins!

I also got to work with our sign language student again today - he is learning so quickly, he'll pass my ASL abilities up in no time. He's doing his spelling words now by sign (seeing the sign, hearing the word, then using fridge magnets to spell the word). We're trying to get him to make the signs himself, but his agility isn't quite there. He's certainly trying though.

This evenings top story; however,is that I have finally learned the purpose of the zipper, as of today. Our speech path intern and I really get along and talk a lot during our lunchtime. He told me this great story he wanted to share. He had a student with three items pictured on cards in front of him, with the objective of the lesson being to identify the commonality among the items pictured. He had a zipper, a button, and a snap on the pictures in front of him - the commonality being 'fasteners on clothing.' The student was mulling it over in his head and was quite puzzled so the SLP asked him to tell out loud what he was thinking in his head so the SLP could help. The student replied, "Well, I know the button is, like, for a button-up shirt. This [snap] thing is on top of jeans. And the zipper is on your pants so you can put 'it' in and pull 'it' out...." I should mention the student has four brothers :) So in case you ever want to know why we have zippers on our clothing....just ask our kids!!!

Sunday, October 4, 2009

Midget's After Bathtime Dance

I find it very amusing that my 15 year old Yorkie still pitches a fit after bathtime. She loves to play in the water, but when it's associated with a bathtub - forget it! Water is apparently only fun when it's at the beach or a big puddle in front of the house. And wet grass is not the same as a good old fashioned splash in a puddle.

Here's her little after bath dance...