Well, I have officially completed my first two "observation" weeks in student teaching. Though, my personality did not allow me much observation time; I found it very difficult to sit on my duff while there were students in the room needing help, and the two aides and teacher were helping other students. The kiddos seem to be responding very well to me, and I'm already quite attached to several of them. I still miss my kiddos from Vidor, and I need to call some of the teachers that are still there to check up on my darlings.
Anyway, I've been doing a lot of tutoring/content mastery work with them the past few weeks rather than teaching lessons. Some of the kids seem to be behind level on reading mostly though their intellect is on par with their classmates. Definitely a different world from last year with my severe and profound classroom. I'm enjoying the exposure to the different learning levels. We have several ranges of ability in the resource room so I'm getting my personal need to be challenged fulfilled daily, which definitely motivates me in a fun way.
Next week starts my official teaching schedule. I'll be teaching a Language Arts lesson everyday to our 3rd and 4th grades. Mrs. Fleming loves my ideas for the lessons - hopefully the kids will enjoy it and get something out of it. We've chosen for me to work with them on recognizing Questions versus Statements because we have several students that really struggle with that concept. I'm incorporating songs, poems, games, and jokes into the lessons to try and appeal to all of them. I'll keep you all posted!!! Should be exciting. I'll be officially observed by my college supervisor for a grade on Wednesday. Yikes!! I'm trying not to be nervous. I'll have to be observed countless times over my career so I might as well get over that!
Now for the elementary school humor of the week. We've been teaching all of the children in the school to sing a chorus of "Happy Birthday" while they wash their hands to make sure they wash the recommended length of time as per the CDC. Well, believe it or not, some of the students are actually doing this - breaking into song together with their friends in the restrooms as they wash their hands. Yesterday one of the teachers reported that she was in the hall while her class was taking their restroom break, and she overheard one of the first grade girls tell her friends, "I'm tired of singing 'Happy Birthday' - anyone want to sing the 'ABCs' instead?" Too cute!!
Almost 11 Months and 3 Years 11 Months
12 years ago
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