Thursday, December 30, 2010
A Post About Nothing
I can say the last few months has been a huge growing experience for me personally. I know a lot more about what I want - but even more about what I DON'T want for myself and my future, though unfortunately it usually takes a mistake or two for me to realize those life altering revelations. God is so good; however, He never lets me suffer long and is true to His promise that I'll never have to go through more than I can handle.
Someone very dear to me said recently, "When it comes to life, all anyone needs is love." (Not quoting the song or Moulin Rouge, by the way.) That person was recently removed from their job, and was told flat out, "Love isn't enough anymore." I'm frightened by that statement, but see that dark thought hovering over this area like a thick fog waiting to descend. Perhaps it's my obvious and life-long disdain for the area I must always call my birth-place, but it seems so many people are desperate for something here and fill that need with something else that feeds the darkness. There is no room for love here anymore; I just never thought I'd hear someone say it!
More than ever I'm desperate to leave; knowing this time, I won't be coming back. It won't be long before I can move Mom (I hope) and turn my back on this place for good. I can only keep filling out job applications and continue praying for God's will to coincide with my desperation to be free of this place.
Sunday, August 8, 2010
My Summer Endeth
I have to say I'm looking forward to the school year - even if it means I no longer get to sleep in and have limited responsibility. I'm nervous about having more students and more responsibility, but I know it will be fun. I just hope I don't let the administration down since they have so much faith in me. It's scary!
I've been browsing the web for helps and implore my teacher-friends to give me ANYTHING you can for math and science intervention teaching. I've got some ideas that work in my head, but who knows what will happen when I actually get in the classroom! Prayers are welcomed - for the teachers and the students!
Monday, July 26, 2010
The World Famous San Diego Zoo
Though our day started out rough with a nail in the front passenger tire of our rental car, we did eventually trade out the car and make it to the zoo. Poor Hilary had to listen to me squeal and take a million pictures at the entrance before we even made it into the zoo :) I was so excited to finally see the zoo's sign that I'd seen when I was a little girl, I think I might have
First of all, the zoo is beyond huge! And of course, I wanted to see everything; it was so hard to decide what to see first. However, what we saw first was most unexpected - a peacock, not in a cage, but sitting
We got lost amidst the monkeys several times en route to the tigers and hippos. Sadly, the tiger was hiding from us, but we did see the pygmy hippos, and I so wanted to hug them :)
I think the giraffes enjoyed the crowd that they ensue as
The pandas! Apparently, the SDZ is one of the few zoos which has a successful giant panda conservation program, since several have been born at the facility since 1987 when they began the program. We got toe see baby Yun Zi who will turn one on August 5 this year. He is currently only 48 pounds and unbelievable adorable. He's still very uncertain of
I only took about a million photos - ok, 724, but who's counting? So clearly I can't post them all. Needless to say, I hope that I can go back to the SDZ some day! It was so worth the trip and to know that there are places doing so much to protect our endangered animals.
My last on the list of favorites has to be the meerkats. They run around like crazy and get the greatest looks on their faces. Both the zoo and the Wild Animal Park had a meerkat manor, but we spent more time at the one in the zoo. These guys are hams for the camera. Several of them would stop and look at me while I took a picture, then scurry off after I put the camera down. Can't say they aren't used to being adorable!
Saturday, July 24, 2010
Snorkeling in La Jolla
The water was also very cold.
It's no wonder people choose that little cove as a vacation spot though. I could have spent a weekend there easy just hanging out by the beach and snorkeling and kayaking around the cove.
Thursday, July 15, 2010
Getting Ready to Live a Dream :)
Monday, July 12, 2010
Home Sweet Away from Home - Weekend in SA
Laurie and Justin were doing a family birthday celebration with their family for Justin's b-day, so I went to my old favorite Starbucks at the corner of West and NW Military to curl up with a book for a while. (Anyone that's interested, I finished all the Percy Jackson books now and I'm reading "Beautiful in God's Eyes" by Elizabeth George and continuing my Philippa Gregory books.) At 7pm I met up with David (whose Bible study buddies who were coming with us totally bailed on!!!), and we went to Azuca for some amazing food and salsa dancing - which is where we had his birthday party a few years ago. They had updated their menu, and I think it just keeps getting better. If I'd had my camera with me I think I would have taken pics of the food. It feels like a vacation restaurant; they put a lot of effort into the presentation as well. We danced until we were exhausted and couldn't stand the heat (the a/c isn't all that great in the place) and then walked around downtown. How I miss having a 'downtown' for one - and then having a place where you can just walk and stop in places just to see what's going on! I miss you SA!
I got to Laurie's about midnightish - navigating thanks to my iPod. We sat up and talked till about 2am until we had to force ourselves to bed. Poor Justin had drill all weekend so he didn't get to play with us on Saturday morning - which was a shame since we went to float the Guadalupe with Rockin' R. The river was fast and COLD! It was a huge shock getting in after standing in the heat to pay for 45 mins and sweating bullets (and all our sunscreen off). They told us at Rockin' R that we had to wear life vests because the water was moving at 180 cc per minute (or something to that effect where we nodded and said 'OK') or we'd get a fine from the county. Apparently there is a county ordinance when the river is that fast/high.
Well anyway, we survived all the rapids in our toobs without major incident - which is more than we can say for family in a raft that rammed a tree head-on and lost their life jackets and oars in the collision. The little kid in the boat hit something hard when they went down, because she came up screaming with a bloody nose. Fortunately, fellow toobers retrieved the scattered belongings that were floating and paddled to return them. At that point forward, they all wore their 'required' life jackets - which I don't think they had on prior to the collision.
Another interesting note - the cops on the river are mean! When we got to the long stretch between the rapids and the dam, they floated by in their little boat looking for reasons to write tickets to toobers. We asked about the life jackets, since several people weren't wearing them, and no one seemed to be getting ticketed. They said no one had told them to ticket for life jackets - so everyone started taking them off (they were a huge pain and made it very difficult to navigate the toobs - not to mention turn your head or move at all!). Then they proceeded to cite a group for having a cooler that was too big for that particular section of the river - like it's possible to do something about that while you're floating!?!? Rockin' R apparently rented them a cooler that was too big - which didn't seem right that the group could get cited when they thought they were rented an acceptable cooler. I mean, why would anyone question the acceptability of the cooler you were being rented for floating? Oh well. While they were getting ticketed though, the cops' boat decided to ram into Laurie and I - literally! First, he was steering to stick with the drunken cooler people and steered right into me with the motor on the boat - making some rude comment about it not being able to hurt me when I quickly pulled my legs into the toob to avoid contact with the propeller. (Like I wanted to stick my leg out and find out if it would or wouldn't mangle my outstretched appendage!?!) As we're dealing with that, one of the cooler group guys says, "Um, there's a tree" and Laurie barely had time to put her arm out before she rammed hard into the tree. The cop then says, 'Well that might hurt you' referring to the fact that the propeller wouldn't but his inability to navigate a boat with a motor might affect Laurie's consciousness. If she hadn't stuck her hand out, the back of her head would have hit pretty hard. If I'd had a way to report their badge numbers, I would have! They came and apologized about 15 mins later after they ticketed the other group - but never once asked if she was OK after the collision. The cooler people floated by and checked on us though.
The rest of the adventure went without incident. While we were waiting on the bus to get back to the car after the float, we learned that Rockin' R had lost about 32 of their vehicles in the flooding last month, which explained the long waits between the water exit and the transport back to the car. I guess I didn't realize how bad the river had been when I was hearing about the high water.
We went back to the house and showered. By that time Justin was home, and we decided that he, David, Laurie and I were going to go out to eat @ TGI Fridays and then we went to the movies to see "The A-Team." It was a good movie once I accepted the fact that Mr. T was not there to play his signature character.
Sunday's activities included church @ Castle Hills (and I LOVED having everyone hugging me and telling me 'Welcome Home' - I cried a lot that morning!) . After church, Laurie and I went to Chuy's and Fashion Bug (which could have been named that due to the infestation of crickets that were EVERYWHERE! Even inside the clothes on the racks!) We both bought a few things (they didn't charge for the crickets) and then went home to rest before Bible study. I got to see Devin, Khaliann and Elena (who is definitely up for the cutest girl in the world award) and Jennifer and Curt. After Bible study we ate at Incredible Pizza - and that pretty much ended the night's festivities. We went back to Laurie's and Justin's and sat and talked till late, and then I headed out this morning for a wonderfully quick drive thanks to the lack of early Monday morning traffic.
All in all, an AMAZING weekend! I took this photo on Friday, but it pretty much summed up the awesomeness of the whole weekend - though the photo doesn't do God's artwork justice. Thanks to J & L for letting me stay (and Justin for letting me have his wife for most of the weekend!) - and for everyone else I got to see and catch up with. I'll be back soon SA! Miss you!
The Baby Bird Story
This is the first time I've found one of the nests on the ground with the residents still inside! I got closer for a look and started noticing the adult birds up in the trees making awful noises to deter me from eating their young. Turns out there were two little fledglings still in the nest who had amazingly survived the fall. So I had to figure out how to get them off the ground so the neighborhood cats wouldn't eat them. (I didn't want to have to rescue another injured one from a cat.) I'm quite thankful I have those coconut hanging baskets now! I scooped up the babies, nest and all, and put them in the basket, which I then hung in the tree.
I peeked in on them a few times on Thursday afternoon and Friday before I left to go visit Laurie and Justin (another blog entry to come), and the babies were doing great! I named them Icarus and Apollo (fell from the sky and I've been reading the Percy Jackson books).
Tuesday, June 22, 2010
Certification - Check!
Monday, June 21, 2010
Smith Lake Dive
So due to some scheduling complications, instead of doing our open water dives this coming up weekend, we are doing them today and tomorrow! So in a few minutes I'll be heading out to Smith Lake (which makes me nervous considering the reviews I've read of the residents surrounding the dive site, who have epitomized what people think of when they think of Vidor, Texas - no offense to my family and friends who live there because I know better!) However, apparently this is the shady side of town.
That said, I will actually be deeper than the 'deep end' of the pool with limited visibility, so I'm very nervous. I know the skills and I've gained a lot of confidence in two days, but I still feel very uncoordinated and gangly (if that's the right word to use there). If something ridiculous and avoidable can go wrong, I will be the one to experience it! I'm leaving way early so I have time to make sure I end up at the right place! I'll post after I get back, and tack it on at the bottom. Wish me luck!
Well, I didn't drown! Yay for me! Didn't get any pictures, considering we could hardly see each other! We dove to roughly 20 feet, which is pretty much the deepest Smith Lake gets. We went to one of the sunken boats, and I think we interrupted lunch time for two small mouth bass - we swam through a school of minnows. (Of course, my first thought was BAIT!) At the surface we had a perch follow us up while we were talking about lunch - guess he thought he'd join us! We're going to feed them tomorrow with flour tortillas! (Not the Texas Tech kind though!)
Tomorrow is the final dive using the compass and the written test, then, provided I pass, of course, I'll get my C card :) Then it'll be time to find some dive buddies. Anyone in SA up for TrashFest in the Comal in October?
Sunday, June 20, 2010
Scuba Day 2
The sunburn cleared up and tanned overnight thanks to some tanning bed lotion which pulled the heat out. So I can claim a 'tan' keeping in mind that my 'tan' is most people's natural color :)
I did much better today. I went early for some 'tutoring' and Anne and Budd (the instructors) helped me work on my weights and buoyancy more. I can't believe how hard it is to sink! But I'm very thankful I've been swimming at the YMCA here in Port Arthur because it's really helped me build a lot of strength under the water. Just wish the chlorine didn't pull all the moisture out of my skin 'cause it feels yucky for a while till I can get hydrated again.
Still, it's fun! We took some pictures today and played in the pool and tomorrow I'll bring the camera to the lake and take some pictures too.
Saturday, June 19, 2010
Scuba Lessons Day One
It's also VERY tiring, but I didn't notice I was tired till after I'd showered and dried off at home. (I also didn't notice that my shoulders are the same color as my bright red swimsuit - despite the 4 coatings of SPF 75). Looks like I'll be diving in a shirt tomorrow :) Fortunately it does not hurt at all, so possibly the red will go down a lot. My face hurts yet received no burn - weird.
The course I'm taking, for those who are interested is the PADI Open Water Diver certification, so basically it means that I can dive in the recommended depths as long as I have ready access to the surface (hence open water).
We'll be diving in Smith Lake (in Vidor, where I was a teacher's aide while getting my cert) once we are ready for the open water dives...apparently there will be some interesting things down there. I hope to be able to bring my camera and take some pictures :) I've been told one of the exercises we do is see who can find the most golf balls in the water...interesting... We shall see :)
Tuesday, June 8, 2010
My First Real Summer Begins!
My first summer not looking for a job begins, and I'm taking it off completely (no summer school) to enjoy or find that I'm bored out of my mind and need to do summer school next year! What a wild ride teaching is! I applaud all of you who have done this for years and not found yourselves absolutely exhausted day after day. I love it, but it's certainly not what I expected, and I'm glad of it! I had feared that each day would be the same routine, day in and day out, and that I would quickly get bored. How wrong I was! I have inherited all of the campus's behavior problems simply by being the special ed teacher, so each day is filled with new tantrums and fits. And because I helped out as a TAKS coach, all of the students at some point or another have seen me so I get random hugs throughout the day too. I had students who would come in my room after school to help me clean the boards and disinfect my desks and keyboards - which kept them out of fights since they were typically the bullies or the ones who were always getting picked on. Strategic selections :)
All in all, it was a fabulous four months, but I'm glad that I have time to rethink my room and relax a bit before I have to do it all again. So what am I going to do with my summer vacation? I haven't the slightest idea! I have two weeks at the end of this month in which I will be learning to SCUBA dive, but outside of a few trips to Houston and San Antonio - I got nothing but some volunteer work and a few home improvement projects, three of which I've already completed!
Anyone want to take a vacation before August 16? I'll go ANYWHERE!!!! I fear boredom!
Wednesday, March 17, 2010
The Good, the Bad & the Chamomile Tea
They can make or break a large part of a child's educational career. I'm sure most teacher-friends of mine will laugh at me and say "Duh, you just figured that out?". Others of you are, I'm sure, laughing, too, at that blatantly obvious statement.
It's not that I'm just realizing the truth of that statement; it's more so that I'm seeing it more first-hand as a 'responsible faculty member' than I did as an innocent volunteer and bystander.
I had the opportunity today to see just how valuable parents can be when they are involved in their children's school activities - yet, still recognize that their children make their own choices and expect them to behave and to receive consequences when the child chooses not to behave. Those parents are the volunteers we love to see, and the ones we praise the Lord that we have, understanding that kids are still kids and will misbehave and be cruel to one another - sometimes as the receiver of the cruelty and sometimes as the instigator.
Then there are those whose child "is never at fault." (Were I speaking, those would be air quotes.) The kids who instigate, but run and tattle as soon as things don't go as planned. Or the ones who are repeatedly picked on, as unfortunately happens in adolescence. However, the parent seeks to solve the problem by creating more problems - thus giving their child a reputation because of their parents' undesirable behavior. Sometimes the kids are even picked on BECAUSE of the parent! Then a "responsible faculty member" must get involved in a heated debate of how discipline is to be handled at a school-sponsored function.
In one day, I have experienced both extremes of the spectrum - the irate parent and the highly-rated parent. I have been blessed to know the supportive parents of my students and been cursed because school discipline isn't enough when "my child is picked on."
That's where the chamomile tea comes in...
Monday, March 8, 2010
My First Spring Break
My school has the most wonderful, Christian staff imaginable. Everyone shares their faith, prays for each other and the students, and it creates an environment like no other. I love getting up and going to work every day knowing, no matter what type of day it is, I am surrounded by faithful brothers and sisters in Christ.
I am now on my first official spring break of my new career. Being lazy at the moment, but I do have a list of chores that must be accomplished. I did get to start my week by going to SA and Hondo to visit Jennifer and see Kase Braden for his first birthday. I can't believe he's one! I still remember getting the phone call from Marissa telling me that she was pregnant! Time flies. I hate being so far away from them :(
Sadly, not much else has taken place in the past few months. Midget and I are just relaxing and listening to the rain. I will be getting her groomed soon, but I'm trying to get her to eat before I take her. However, she's enjoying having me home and is snoring blissfully at my feet. We may not make it to Miss Joy until later :)
Friday, January 1, 2010
What I Did on My Winter Vacation
Then I got to go to lunch and shopping with my sister. I can't remember the last time we did that, and we had a blast!
The rest of the time was wasted away doing laundry and playing Animal Crossing on the Wii. The GOOD news is I finally caught the elusive scorpion on the game after what felt like hundreds of stings by the darn things. I caught all the fish and the bugs in th