There IS light at the end of the tunnel!! The heartworm journey is almost at its end, and I am so ready to treat Jasmine the way a dog deserves to be treated. And I'm hoping her energy will inspire me to have more - and get me outside and moving while the weather is about as nice as it gets in southeast Texas. We only get September, October, November, and March where the outdoors are tolerable and the mosquitoes are minimal, right??? Dr. Marcoux at Egret Bay Vet Hospital has been AMAZING! Jaz, Duncan, and I are trying to figure out what we will be getting the staff as a present for getting her on the road to recovery. (Duncan loves his sister - she just doesn't like him much if he's not in his 'kennel'. She loves to lay next to his cage and watch him run on his wheel though.) If you have a pet, PLEASE PLEASE PLEASE put them on heartworm preventative! The treatment to kill the adults once they've grown and reproduced is expensive, dangerous, and very taxing on both the pets and the humans who love them! It has been a long three months!

Duncan went through his final quilling the past few weeks (which means he is officially an adult now) - so I have had two very grumpy 'kids' this month and will be glad to see both of them back to their sparkling and prickly personalities soon! And I know Jaz will be so excited to hang out with her BFF Belle again in a few weeks!
And of course - with all this additional expense, comes - budgeting!! Hilary and I are taking a Dave Ramsey Financial Peace University course at her church on Sunday evenings. I'm much worse with money than I thought! And I'm going through hand sanitizer very quickly touch all that dirty cash- ew. (If you haven't heard of Dave Ramsey's cash-envelope system - check it out at www.fpucentral.com.) It's really making me focus on where my money goes, and I am trying to help it stay put instead! But boy I miss my large McDonald's latte every Monday/Friday morning! I'm suffering through office coffee at the moment to save everything I can for Dave's 'baby steps'. Alternative sources of caffeine are a must :) I will keep everyone posted on that one!
Apparently I also failed to mention that I'm working back in the insurance industry - on the business side of things rather than IT, but I think pretty much every has figured that out by now! But that's another story for another time...goodnight, All!