It's been a little less than 3 weeks since I moved, and I have to say I love my apartment! It's so quiet even though it's right off a highway, and it's pretty much in the middle of everywhere! I'll have to post some pics once I finish getting everything squared away; still have a few Goodwill boxes around an some pictures to be hung. But I'm pretty much settled in.
Good thing too since we start in-service MONDAY! I got to see my classroom yesterday and see my campus beyond what I saw at the interview. Love it! It's huge - we have over 900 kiddos! I'm in room 6 :) I'll be posting pics of my room soon too - I have a door and WINDOWS!!!
Thought I'd share some pics I've taken around the apartment of the community pets. There are ducks everywhere around here since we're right off a private lake (my building is right on the lake!). These are the ducklings we have right now with Momma. According to the other residents of my building, she started out with 12, but right now we're down to 8 :( There are several small flocks all over the place, but Momma and babies stay between buildings 18, 19, and 20. (I'm in 19).

This is the first morning after I moved in when I went for a walk. This is across the sidewalk from my apartment.

In case you are wondering, you can fit 10 ducklings inside of a medium sized Tupperware container, without the lid ;)
These are the babies as of a few days ago. They are growing so fast :)